The -ber months are my favorite, mostly because it means as the days grow shorter, there is more time to curl up with a cup of tea and a book.
Happy reading, friends!

The Fortunes of Jades Women 4/5
I really enjoyed this book. The writing is punchy, and the characters are wonderful. If you like dysfunctional family stories, you must read this book!
Happy-Go-Lucky 5/5
I love David Sedaris. This book weaves together Sedaris' father's death and the COVID Pandemic. I love Sedaris' dark sense of humor and found the way he spoke about grief (most notably, planning a dinner after a death) to be as humorous as it was thought-provoking. I loved on audio.
Waiting for Tom Hanks 4/5
As a Nora Ephron fan, this book was exactly what I needed it to be. I loved the characters and the ‘90s movie references. If you enjoyed “The Bookish Life of Nina Hill,” I think you would enjoy this book!
The Final Gambit 4/5
A fun final installment to a great YA series! Though at times this was hard for me to follow as there are many major characters, it is fun and entertaining as ever!
Daisy Darker 3/5
Though I really love Alice Feeney’s writing style, this book felt like it was trying too hard to be “And Then There Were None.” It was hard to stay motivated to finish it, as I guessed the ending pretty early on.
Thank You for Listening 2/5
Very aware that I am in the minority here, but this book wasn’t for me. The writing was filled with way too much imagery, metaphor, and description. It felt way too long and had too many minor characters. Though the audiobook was really well narrated, I couldn’t get past the writing. The redeeming part for me was learning about working in the audiobook space.
The Family Game 4.5/5
Wow, wow, wow. This is my favorite type of thriller; it wasn’t too scary (ie I didn’t worry I was going to be murdered in the night), and kept me guessing until the end.
The Catch 3/5
This book has so many themes that I love — sports, grief, unexpected item in the will — but I had a hard time with this book. I had a hard time connecting with the characters, and though the character is striving for closure, the way the story got there felt rushed to me. If you enjoyed Luster, I think you would like this book.
Eligible 3/5
This was not the retelling for me. I really liked the premise, but I felt like much of the smart wit and nuance of Austen was lost. I also found it to be much too long.