A few days late because life happens, but here is what I read in July!

The Best of Me - 5/5
I love David Sedaris and will faithfully read anything and everything he writes. This was my first time listening to one of his books on audio, and I just loved it. If you need a book to make you laugh, you can never go wrong with Sedaris (especially if you are an American in France, I love reading about his time living in France).
I really loved We Were Liars and after reading the blurb for this book, I had really high expectations. It just fell flat for me. The first half was really slow and the story felt incomplete to me.
Somebody’s Daughter - 4/5
This is such a powerful memoir. I loved the writing and I really loved listening to it on audio. I hadn’t read anything by Ashley Ford before this book, but after reading this book, I would love to read more of her other work!
Majesty - 3/5
I really loved American Royals, it is such a good YA light read. This one wasn’t as great as the first, but perfect for a lazy weekend read!
She Will Soar - 4/5
One of my reading goals this year was to read more poetry (this is my second of the year, so clearly that goal is going great…) I LOVED this collection. It is so powerful and diverse. Highly recommend!
Say Nothing - 4/5
Wow, this book is so powerful. It was a moving deep dive into the Troubles in Northern Ireland. If you are interested in history, this is such a good and important read. I highly recommend. It was a little long but very good.
The Body Keeps Score - 5/5
This book lived up to the hype. I actually am waiting to get the audio version from my library so I can listen to it again. Especially after the trauma we lived through with the pandemic, this is a must-read in my book.
Read this book. If you like thrillers and are looking for a beach read that isn’t romance, this book is a must. I laughed out loud and could not put it down. I think I read it almost in one sitting. Such a great summer read!
The Bomber Mafia - 4/5
It is no secret that I have a deep love of Malcolm Gladwell. This book was different than his others, but I loved it. As a history nerd, this book really was a quick and understandable read. Highly recommend! (I have heard that the audio of this book is better, I read it on the page, but if you are an audiobook person, try to snag this on audio!)
The Space Between Worlds - 3/5
I had heard so much buzz around this book, and it sounded like such a good fit as I am trying to read for fantasy, and the fact that it is YA made it seem more approachable. But this book just wasn’t for me. The plot was really interesting, but I had a really hard time with the writing style.
Good Company - 3/5
I had preordered this book, I was so excited to read it. I think I would have liked it more if I had read it in the winter. Nothing really happens. I had a hard time following and liking the different characters and though this is a character-driven novel, the characters felt incomplete to me.
Voices of the Lost - 4/5
The concept alone of this book is wonderfully original. It is an epistolary novel, but the way the letters are connected is very moving. I read this book in one sitting. It is a page-turner and so profound. (And the cover is BEAUTIFUL!)
The Ungrateful Refuge - 4/5
I listened to this on audio, and I loved it. The book mixes Nayeri’s story with other refugees she has encountered along the way. Extremely moving, and thought-provoking. It is a great mix of policy and personal experiences. Highly recommend this book.
The Paper Palace - 4/5
I know this book is really buzzy right now, but it lived up to the hype! The story is so potent and the writing is phenomenal! It was hard for me to get into, but once I was hooked, I couldn’t put it down!!
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